Где встретить Новый год

If you are thinking where to spend New Year’s Eve, take a plane to Barcelona airport, Reus airport, Girona airport or the train to AVE Camp de Tarragona station and book your transfer with Shuttle2Sun to start enjoying some unforgettable days.   

Experience the twelve chimes of midnight on Avenida María Cristina in the city of Barcelona, every year with the National Palace in the background, transformed into the scenery par excellence of the New Year’s Eve party in Barcelona. The combination of light, music and pyrotechnics, mixed with the water games of the Magic Fountain, make the show a unique experience.   

San Silvestre bath, from La Pineda beach to the port of Barcelona, the tradition of taking the last bath of the year in the sea is celebrated in countless towns.      

The twelve grapes is one of the best known and most widely followed traditions. When the 12 bells ring, you must eat one grape per bell, each grape corresponding to a month of the year. According to tradition this will ensure a year of good luck.       

Cava is part of Catalonia‘s DNA, this beverage is always brought in the celebrations. If you put a ring in this sparkling white wine, it will attract money and prosperity in the New Year, so don’t forget to toast with it!   

Salou, Lloret de Mar, Barcelona, Girona, countless towns celebrate the New Year in a very special way. Enjoy a different New Year’s Eve with Shuttle2Sun, book your private transfer or shuttle service today  

Where to celebrate New Year's Eve
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